Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ur en artikel jag läste idag av en vårdteoretiker som heter Janice Morse

"In its most extreme form, the person appears emotionless, with a mask-like expression.The person has an erect posture, with shoulders back and head up, and mechanical “chunky” movements. Walking is characterized by a robot-like gait, swaying from side to side. There is little facial expression, and little movement of the mouth and lips when speaking; the person speaks with an expressionless monotone, using short sentences and sighing often. If whatever is being endured is a physical threat, then individuals develop strategies for physically holding on to the present, such as counting something,
breathing in and out, or watching the clock."

Morse beskriver en deppig människa...."
swaying from side to side"...:)

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